New life for a mid-century split level.

Mention mid-century modern houses, and images of sleek, open plan, currently trendy homes come to mind. The classic examples grace the pages of Dwell Magazine and design blogs. There are a few good examples in northern New Jersey. However, more common in this area are the ranches and split levels built at the same time that alluded to a more modern taste, but rarely reached the level of design that is associated with the more desirable versions. These late 50’s through mid 60’s houses have become something of a pariah in the housing market, often never renovated since being built, and they often languish on the market when they come up for sale.
For a buyer who wants to create a modern home, these present a great opportunity- the price is usually lower than comparable homes in the neighborhood, and they lend themselves to modern make-overs. My clients who bought this split level house wanted to stay in their neighborhood, loved the location and the property, and saw a chance to create their dream home.

We also recently did a video walk through for the realtor of another untouched split level that’s for sale. Often it’s hard for prospective buyers to imagine what can be done to transform a house, so we created this video to inspire buyers to what could be possible.