How is yours performing? Working at home, schooling at home, exercising at home, cooking at home, Zoom cocktails at home, Netflix at home. Because of the pandemic, home is our entire world. But once this crisis has passed, how will our ideas of “home” change? Are...
Bauhaus Staircase

Bauhaus Staircase

The MoMA renovation   I started going to the Museum of Modern Art in NY when I was a teenager. Any trip to the city included a visit there. I loved building, the art, the garden. And yet, one of my most enduring memories was the “Bauhaus Staircase” which featured...
Buying a Fixer Upper?

Buying a Fixer Upper?

How a Pre-Purchase Consult Can Help I often receive inquiries from home buyers who are in the early stages of their house hunt in the New Jersey suburbs. They want a comfortable modern home that is suited to their taste and how they live and they know that they will...
What I did on my summer vacation

What I did on my summer vacation

Hiking the Freedom Trail   Our enthusiastic group at the beginning of the trail. Back-to-school time, and it’s almost a cliche that returning grade school students are asked to write about what they did during the summer. Here is mine: personal, nothing to do...
Lighting Essentials

Lighting Essentials

Tips for the Empty Nester-  Part 2 Practically the day I turned 40, I started needing reading glasses. I needed extra light to read a menu in a restaurant, and sometimes doubled up pairs to read fine print. Over time, I needed stronger magnification, and then finally...